South African born, BRENT HARRIS is an award-winning commercial and film director based in New York City. 


During a decades’ spanning career, he has collaborated with many of the world’s elite creative agencies on their leading brands, including Nike, Expedia, EA, Intel, Playstation, Coca-Cola, NASCAR, Goodyear and many others. Harris’s work is typified by a poetic, and ultimately very cinematic approach to storytelling. Focusing on intimate and authentic performances, rendered in an atmospheric aesthetic, he strives above all to deliver his subjects deeper truth to our screen. His work has been honored by the industry with 5 Cannes Lions, 2 AICP Awards, 3 D&AD Pencils and a One Show Gold Pencil. 


Harris recently wrote and directed a deeply personal short film about his experience of growing up in Apartheid South Africa. The film, Locals Only premiered at the Toronto Film Festival (TIFF_ and went on to be selected for 10 international film festivals. It won Best Film at the 2020 One Screen Film Festival in New York. Another short film, 2021’s artful and reverential, La Légende was Harris’s personal tribute to famed French electronic duo Daft Punk. He is currently developing a feature film about the darkest chapter in the life of America’s greatest architect, Frank Lloyd Wright.